The wide-eyed feeling of jumping into that big unknown
For anyone who might be curious to know how it feels to be on
the path to adoption, I can compare it to the way I felt during the moments
leading up to when I proposed to Tiffany at the top of Yosemite Falls several
years ago. Neither of us had been to that point before, even though Tiffany
spent an entire childhood of family vacations camping and rafting the valley,
and neither of us, for our own separate reasons knew exactly what to expect
that day. As we climbed up, and up, …and up (puff puff) the trail together,
getting higher and closer to the top, the excitement of what was to come in the
moments ahead became more and more palpable. Trying to contain that excitement
became a kind of mental game, and I remember using little tricks to keep myself
from blowing the whole surprise: I would legitimate the glowing, giddy smile on
my face by taking a deep breath, looking out over the valley and expressing my awe
at the scenery (boy, was I getting all emotional about the outdoors that day); or during a photo op, I would
just subtly move my hand to point at the pocket where the ring was waiting—a
little joke to myself. Little distractions like that were essential to keep my
cool. In much same way, I feel like making our birthmother book, writing our
life stories, sharing our thoughts on this blog, going through the training,
painting the baby’s room… all these little things are simply fun little games
to offer us an emotional outlet to deal with the extraordinary sense of
excitement in the midst of a profound unknown.
It’s been quite a journey so
far, a leap of faith and an emotional ride that is likely to get even more
intense. In a childish sort of way, Space Mountain actually comes to mind; it’s
a ride where you can’t exactly see the gut-mixing series of dives and twists about
to happen, but you know they’re right ahead of you. This is one of those times
when it’s best to just close your eyes and take it all in, enjoy the thrill of
it. It’s a mind-blowing thing to absorb, the fact that we’re inviting someone
into our home for the rest of our lives. And with completely open hearts we’re
welcoming the change it brings for us. We will emerge from this as a family of more
than two, which is the only thing we’ve known so far.
We feel more and more encouraged as we embark on this course
together and as our little secret makes its way around to family and friends
and our circle of support grows. Our gratitude to all of you reading this is
beyond words. As we climb higher on the trail, looking back at the view from
here and seeing how far we’ve come, emotionally and otherwise, we’re driven to
keep trekking up the path, taking whatever comes in stride and letting the
excitement and anticipation grow.