BND and the Wonder of the Wait
We're leaving for New York tomorrow and we're so excited to get away for a few days. We're going to see Porgy and Bess and explore that great city for the first time together for longer than just a flight layover. To avoid incessantly checking messages, we're fully equipped with a Baby Notification Device (known to the rest of you as a cell phone). Yes, we've finally done it, sort of. I'm not proud, but I am happy that the agency can get a hold of us at all times with any potential news. Before you ask, none of the rest of you get the number. It's just for them and we'll just see how long we can stick to that. As expected, I'm already tempted to become as addicted to it as the rest of you are, but I'm holding my ground. For your reading pleasure, we'll confess that we spend $10 every three months for the privilege of joining the mobile wave. Big spenders!
Back at the homestead, our nursery is coming along nicely. The tree detailing is just about done and Josh plans to start the giraffe, who will be staring down at the changing table, pretty soon. We have our recalled crib sufficiently immobilized and all clean sheets waiting to be put on the mattress. Our continually growing collection of fun stories now has a home in a new bookcase and the floor will be crawl-able with its new rug. Only thing missing is, well, you know...diapers! We're getting there, don't worry.
The wondering that happens during the wait is most interesting. It's not always as simple as you might think, for example just wondering when it will all happen. Sometimes, it's wondering how we'll hear, where we'll be when the BND rings loud and clear in its jazzy lounge tone. The wondering has now led us to scrutinize our yard for potential hazards and rethink the way we've potted some plants in the house. Can we teach them the safest way to cross the busiest streets to the best park around? I wonder if they'll come to love that they get fresh eggs every day or if they'll be scared of getting pecked by the chickens!
Wondering about who they'll be when they grow up is probably not uncommon, but I haven't heard my friends ever wonder if they will be there when their children are actually born. No one I know has spent time wondering who will be the connection that brings their children home. We wonder about their health in the womb, their face shapes, their hair color and their size when we meet him/her/them. There are a lot of things that we don't know and they surface as things that most expectant parents can take for granted. What we do know is that we hope to meet them soon and begin experiencing the wonders of parenthood.