The Wait
Ahhh, spring. That time of year when the breath of life returns to everything you see around you that has been brown and dormant for so many months (California folks, just trust me on that one). This is when things feel fresh and new and hope springs eternal for another fantastic warm weather season. It's a busy time for gardeners. I get the same zoned out look in my eye when I'm in the garden in May as Josh does when he's working on a new chord transition on his guitar. The look represents the focus of a passion. It's full of hope and anticipation that what you've been focused on is actually going to work!
We've been actively pursuing our plans to adopt now for four months, and the idea of it has been simmering for more than two years. Yesterday, we completed the last required step in the process with our agency to officially be waiting for a birth mother to find us. The wait begins.
I have this feeling that we're going to look back on this moment at different times in life and remember that jumping-off-the-cliff feeling that Josh wrote about a few posts back. This feeling is so exhilarating! As days turn to months, then potentially years, I'm sure the feeling will be more like those undulating California hills I miss so much, with highs and lows and the gradual easing between one and the other. At times, maybe they'll feel more like the jagged Rocky Mountains, with extreme rises to high happiness and also sudden plummets to anxiety.
But, this is day one and we're living in this moment for now. And for now, the passionate gardener in me can't help but liken it to what I see happening outside with my coveted little seedlings. I will revel in this emotion of hope and confidence that all of our love and attention to the subject is going to produce some pretty amazing treats in time.
Grow, little seeds, grow. Find your way to our happy home.