Um, Where is Your Baby?
We were warned. We knew the questions would begin at some point. We knew we wouldn't have an adequate answer. It was just something all of us and our friends and family would have to accept. We don't know where our baby is. I didn't expect the first time someone asked to be quite so funny though.
Our next door neighbors have a 1 year old and a 3 year old. We LOVE them. We've been around since they were born and we make every effort to intrude into their family life as often as possible to share in the joys of their little ones. They have been very excited for us along the way and they recently offered some retired baby gear for our preparations.
As it piled up in our entryway, I became concerned that the 3 year old wasn't going to appreciate seeing her little brother's stuff walking it's way over to the neighbor's house. I expected a very stern scolding that this stuff belonged to her family. Instead, she very pensively asked "But, um, where is your baby?" We melted. I told her simply that I didn't know. I left it at that, which I'm sure made her think we were the worst parents ever because they are so well cared for. She must know that her mom knows where she is at all times and that I, by comparison, am a complete failure. "Poor baby", she must have thought.
The other day, we received a carload of more baby gear from our friends in California. Our next door neighbor friend was there to oversee the activity of going through the loot. She asked again: "Where is your baby?" This time, I felt ready. I told her that our baby was growing in our hearts. I'm not convinced this was any more adequate. She put her hand on my chest and looked up at me like "Do you have any idea how weird that is going to look in 9 months?!" But, she just smiled.
We can't wait to introduce them!