Yard Sales and Adoption Story
As mentioned previously, we're stocking up on stuff. This will likely be a common theme as the wait time goes on. For now, yard sales and craigslist are providing hours of enjoyment as we dream of the future. (To our friends who are also waiting for any sex baby, any age and a delivery at any time, we highly recommend the discount options for keeping busy, dreaming and acquiring essentials.)
Last weekend, we stopped by a yard sale to pick up some bottles, clothes, sleepy (boba) wrap, swaddle cozy and itty bitty baby beenies (so cute and all for $30, I might add). The baby who was giving up all this great stuff was in attendance and was 6 months old. His parents were very generous and he didn't seem to mind watching us rummage through what had to be some of his favorite outfits. As we looked, his mom asked us how old our baby was. Tiffany responded that we didn't know and that we were adopting.
The dad was busy making a sale at the time, but later came up to Tiffany and said "So, you're adopting, huh? I'm adopted." He proceeded to share that he was really happy that we were adopting and that he thinks it's great to be adopted. He shared that while he's heard some adopted kids "have issues", he always felt "chosen" and that was really special for him. His parents had two biological kids after him who were a "mistake" and a "miracle", so he figured he was the only one they planned for and chose.
Also, he grew up in the same neighborhood that he knew his birth mother to be from. He said that his time working in restaurants always made him wonder if he had served her at some point. Tiffany asked if he was ever curious to meet her. He said he's curious to know what she looks like, but not enough to do anything about it.
What a great joy to have this conversation! A little real life reminder about what we're waiting for and one positive way that it could all turn out.