The Stars are Aligning
It's been a whirlwind of three days since we learned about our birth mother's pick. We spent easily 30 hours without touching the ground. Then, the adrenaline crashed and so did we. Late on Friday night, all of our concerns of this not happening surfaced and we began to question every little assumption. We were ecstatic and still did a lot of pinching ourselves, but worry was creeping its ugly head in.
Saturday we got to tell the rest of our group our great news. By then, we were walking a line between really excited and confident and really hopeful that this wasn't a false alarm. The group was unquestionably supportive. They all shared in our shock and we all shared in our excitement that this was going to happen for each and every one of us. Each person was very happy for us and they were patient as we recounted each and every word shared with our dear birth mother over the previous two days.
As is evident by our profile book, each aspect of our lives is out there for her to see. She has seen our deepest emotions, our families and the stories of us growing up. And, she had seen our photos. We were so curious to "meet" her and her kids through photos. When we asked for some teasers, she sent cell phone pictures of her and all of her kids. Of course, we think they are all perfect. The consistent things among all of them were their beautiful smiles. The oldest has a great look on his face that says "why are you taking my picture?!", but even that's fun to see. Our worry melted away for a time.
In her picture, I noticed yet another simple connection. She has a tattoo of a few stars on one shoulder. And although the look is very different, so do I.