Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Reality Knocking...

That treasured update from T came just in time last Friday. She had been relatively quiet towards the end of the week and, of course, we wondered. Wondered if she'd gone into labor. Wondered if she was just overwhelmed by us. Wondered if she was simply too sleepy, hot and pregnant to bother to write.

When she resurfaced in the form of a phone call, we got a much needed update! She had been to the ER because she wasn't feeling well and had painfully swollen hands, legs and feet. She was thoroughly examined and she and baby are doing fine. T is already dilated to 1 cm with just a few more weeks to go. She also let us know that Meadow's head is down and in position.

We had our usual great chat, continuing to get to know each other. The topic of delivery comes up and then fades away. We tread lightly so as not to bring the inevitable bitter sweet moment too close to the surface before any of us are ready for it.

We let her know that our tickets are in hand and that we'll be there in a couple of weeks. We all hope Meadow will hang on at least that long so we can be together when she emerges into this world.