Hang on Tight, Here Comes Another Corkscrew
Have you ever watched a soap opera, with all of the plot twists and new characters that come out of nowhere? Better yet, have you ever felt like you were living in one? Well, we do.
We were counseled in our adoption training to remember that we are creating a love story. Admittedly, there are love story plots in a soap opera, but there's always something interfering to prevent it from being just a calm, pure, happy storyline amidst all the chaos of the other characters. (Unless the characters in love were the older generation, then it was nice. What can I say, I was once a junior high aged girl with long summer breaks.)
Anyways, we are spinning in circles trying to keep up with the plot twists over here in Waitsville, CA. We thought we were waiting for an appointment between T and the CA agency two weeks ago, then her son was suspended from school and she had to stay home with him. Last week, the meeting was rescheduled, but it still didn't happen. We began to text her asking if she's changing her mind, but she wasn't responding. (Scary times for sure!) Meanwhile, we're still waiting for her to go into labor, aren't we? She's 6 days past her due date! She finally checked in with us today.
The day that she met with Meadow's birth father to get his paperwork signed (which we're told has happened), she learned that he is very ill. The afternoon that she was to meet with the CA agency, she went to meet his parents instead. We don't know if they knew he had a baby on the way or not. She had been silent until today. She was really just checking in to make sure we are updated. We don't know if this has any impact on our path forward or not, but our agency should be talking with her later today to hear about how she's doing.
How are we doing? Well, we're sad. We're sad for him, for his family, for T, and especially for our daughter. We have only a foggy idea about how to prepare for the day when Meadow wants to meet her birth parents, but we're confident that the day will come. When it does, we hoped to have a contact and a willing party on the other end who could share a little of their life with her. We hope that is still the case and that he can beat this!
We know that our silence is hard for you as you are eagerly supporting us and waiting for good news. Just know that these are challenging times for us, again, but we are hanging on tight to each other and to each and every supportive email we get from all of you. Please keep all of us in your prayers, hopes, good vibes, love beams, and any other positive energy force you can call on. And by "all of us", we mean Meadow, her birth parents, her birth grandparents, her siblings, our family and friends, and us.
Truthfully, we don't feel like we're getting closer to resolution on this adventure yet and we might not even have met all the characters. But we only have a few more days before it will all become clear. We just believe that much to be true.
P.S. The nitty gritty (lack of) details - Monday will be the first time the doctor would be willing to induce, but as far as we know, she doesn't have an appointment scheduled. Pregnancy is not a permanent condition. Stay with us a little longer...