Well, leave it to us to be hooked on a bunch of hippie, girl names and be matched with a bouncing baby boy. We loved Meadow, Brooke, Sierra, Ember, Ayla and so many others and they all had special meaning for us. From what we hear, girls can end up being a challenge later in the teen years (I wouldn't know), so I guess it's good that naming them is easy. Still, the options are so plentiful that we could have been matched with sextuplets and been fine if they were all female.
We're beyond blessed awaiting the arrival of our bundle of baby boy, however, and naming him is becoming an evening event around the table (and in the shower, and as I'm trying to fall asleep, and as I take notes on meeting attendees at work, and just about every second). Tonight such free-flowing, mind-blowing options as Lightswitch, Whiskey and Mahal came to mind. Are you worried?
Although A isn't expressing interest in naming him at this point, we received the recommendation to arrive at our meeting next week with a few boy names in mind. It really would be something special to have some options that she likes and to feel like we all had a hand in granting him that most personal and identifying gift in life, his name (unless he changes it).
Josh is working on the baby's symbol name (as in the "artist formerly known as") so we can bypass this whole effort. We'll just show up to our meeting with A carrying a number of sketches. I'm sure she'll love what he's come up with. After all, those were his gems of names up there when you began to worry. Don't worry on this though, he does draw pretty pictures.
We do have a list of criteria developed and with a last name like Schnabel, there is a lot to consider. We're leaning towards first names that end in -er or -t. Some of those rising to the top (tonight anyways) are Sutter, Brook, Myer, Parker and even Wyatt makes a showing sometimes. We'll keep you curious for now.
But, do notice that the comments on this post are open below, so feel free to chime in! (Oh whoops, I guess we didn't click that box on this post after all.) :-)