There is an old joke about people being treated like mushrooms - being kept in the dark and fed manure. While mushrooms are still flourishing in the dark and isolated environments of remote forest floors, they are actually fed something more like the decomposed quality of compost: old and recycled.
Many of you have asked how the scheduled monthly calls with our agency are going, so we wanted to share what they're about. Our latest call with the agency was last night and it was a pleasant and brief check-in on our emotions, but uninformative with regards to progress along our path to parenthood.
For a number of reasons, situational and genetic, we are more comfortable with information than without it as we stumble along on this adventure. We find it easier to manage our attitudes during The Wait when we learn how many women the agency is working with, when they are due to deliver and what they ultimately decide to do, place the baby for adoption or parent. (Of course, the surprise, same-day placement is more than welcome as well, but that doesn't seem to be the norm.) However, somewhere between December and March, our agency made a decision that they are no longer willing to share this coveted information.
On behalf of our sanity, and all of you who ask about "the latest", we shared our disappointment with this approach. We inquired about why they feel that sharing no information is a better way to support waiting families and were told that they don't want to repeat the disappointments of December (ours was not the only match in December who changed her mind and decided to parent her baby). Disappointing though it was, however, it was our disappointment to bear and we still hope for information to help us manage our expectations during The Wait.
Unfortunately, the decision seems to have been made to keep us in the dark for now. It's a good thing we like the peace found on the bottom of a forest floor, though the taste of recycled advice to be patient is less appealing sometimes. It doesn't feel like any light will be shed on us just yet.