All We Ask
There are a couple of life lessons that become learned over time when experiencing the wait for children to find their way into your home, through adoption or otherwise. One of them is that you never know someone's story, so don't judge too quickly when the clerk is snappy, the jerk cuts you off on the road, or even a good friend has been withdrawn. I suppose this one is learned by many people who have experienced anything significant in life and struggles sometimes with others not being engulfed in their own personal drama at the same moment.
The other lesson is for those of you with children, or any loved ones or even pets really, but we're focused on kids of late. It is simply to be grateful for those kiddos in your life and I'm directing it at you whether you're young or old and have babies or grown children. I'm sure some of you have tuned out now, chalking this up as one of my emotionally-charged rants about gratitude and finding the positives in life. But, it's more than that.
As people who have struggled to conceive and then maybe even waited for a child through adoption can tell you, it seems like everyone on the planet is having kids just by blinking at each other. Everywhere we look, someone is pregnant or toting toddlers around, and oftentimes complaining. (Admittedly, I don't get the same emotional tug when I see snotty teenagers talking back to their parents, but I'm sure I'll become more accustomed to that in time, sigh). Anyways, the point is that not everyone has trouble adding kids to their lives and you have to remember how lucky you are to be living in the land of giggles, and even midnight feedings.
I struggled with how to share this sentiment today. It's not meant to be a pity party. I'm not feeling sorry for us. Actually, I'm feeling lucky right now. This isn't meant to focus on the families waiting to multiply, it's meant for you to focus on your own. And, it's a happy post.
You should know that some people are out there struggling to get and stay pregnant. Some people have been waiting for years to adopt. Some have lost their kids after decades of memories formed with them. I think those are easy stories to forget in the busy-ness of life with kids. You could easily spend a day, or a week, or a month without recognizing that you are kissing a treasured gift goodnight each evening. You might not be able to feel the gratitude in the din of the screaming.
All we ask is that you take a dedicated five minutes today (yes, that can feel like a long time), by yourself, and reflect on the miracle that you have in your family. It's worth it for us to know that all of you with kids realize the multitude of biological complexities that have to go right for you to end up with that bundle of joy to love at the end of the journey. Don't take it for granted. If you find yourself bubbling up with gratitude, go ahead and without a reason at all, hug your kids, or your dogs, or your chickens, if you're so lucky to have them.