Friday, December 7, 2012

Back to Busy

Well, meeting or no meeting, we didn't get any news today. Hopefully, "A" got to the doctor and received some magic remedy for the final-weeks-yuckies. We sincerely hope she finds some peace in her heart, relief in her belly and a comfortable way to sleep! With little else to do but wait, I dug down deep into that nesting urge and carried on.

Before we went to California, we finished what we set out to paint in the nursery. We never shared a final shot of the room and to avoid you thinking we stopped short of finishing that tree, here's where things stand now, with Josh's giraffe, evidence of the elephant that is just outside of the 2nd story window and a family tree with room to sprout new photos soon. We're just flat outta time to add the cheetah and monkeys. (Clicking the photos will enlarge them).

I've read a little about nesting lately as I feel the urge to prepare for our baby once again. Now, organizing piles and tidying things up is nothing new for me. In fact, some of you might question how I can identify the specific urge to "nest" as different from what I wake up wanting to do every day. When I read about this phenomenon on-line, wouldn't you know, it's attributed to pregnant women in the final stages of pregnancy, oh and a bunch of other animals in the kingdom when they're expecting too (hence the term "nesting").

Well, I have news for the many researchers out there trying to draw a physiological correlation between the need to clean and the hormones of pregnancy. For me, it seems it applies just as true for those of us simply preparing the nest without the hormonal changes and midnight cravings. (Don't get me wrong, I've been known to need cookies at all hours of the night, but I've never been lucky enough to have an excuse to blame it on.)

Suffice it to say that I do feel a need to get everything just right so that the little tyke can mess it all up, both figuratively and literally. It seems I have an innate sense (and a lot of good, experienced friends telling me) that life as we know it is about to change. Maybe in an attempt to gain some control over the threatening situation, we try to put it all in proper order so that the chaos has an organized place from which to begin. In my own experience, I'd say that the lack of a belly to rub or an oddball food to crave, leaves me feeling even more impatient and drives a subconscious need to keep busy.

Enter loving friends with LOTS to share. Fitting all of the generous donations to prepare for our little girl into our cubby of a home was challenge enough. Now, we're accepting the blue versions of everything and it's all adding up quickly. I spent the evening labeling easily over 100 pieces of the tiniest clothing we've ever seen, then washed and folded them (I know, I know, this is just the beginning). Whew, good thing I needed something to do. Yes, it would be nice to just catch up on sleep as is suggested by everyone, but it seems I'm sharing the insomnia part of this phase with my pregnant friends too. Enjoy the long posts by midnight!