Monday, December 10, 2012

What's The Latest? Has She Changed Her Mind? Is the Baby Still Breech?

We know, it's Monday. We all made some assumptions that we never heard anything after A's doctor appointment on Friday because the agency was taking some time off over the weekend. We were sure we'd hear something today, right? Wrong.

Trust us, we feel ya. We'll ask again that you remember that any emotion you are feeling about this is magnified in us. If you're curious about how things are going, then we're living in anguish, dying to know. If you're scared that this is going to fall through, then we're terrified. If you feel out of the loop, then we're stranded at sea with no connection to the world. If you are wondering how the conversations are going between the agency and the prospective birth mother, then we're ready to drive up there and eavesdrop ourselves. And if you're still hopeful, then it is surely our most vivid dream, one we wish for each moment of every day and night. Trust us, we know how you're feeling.

You're not getting any new information on these posts because we're not getting any information at all.

Please continue to wait with us. We've managed to convince ourselves of a number of plausible scenarios about why we haven't heard anything since she cancelled our meeting. We can only imagine that she needs our support right now. We need your support right now as well. Please keep up the good vibes. It helps to feel your virtual hugs every day. With love, TaJ